Product Solution for Wheat
05 / 07 / 2020

Agricultural product solution is a complex and arduous systematic project. It involves not only a variety of environmental and agricultural knowledge and skill, such as climate, type and structure of soil, water resource, cropping systems (crop rotation or fallow), but also a variety of expertise on agricultural equipment .At the same time, it also must take into account the agricultural mechanization level, environmental protection regulation, human resources, transportation conditions, customers’ land characteristics(terrain, acreage and so on ), and capital budget. Only fully grasp the above information and knowledge, we should provide customers with the best agricultural machinery solutions for our customers.
1. Agronomic requirements for wheat
The key technical route of wheat growing includes land preparation, sowing, fertilization, irrigation, weeding and crop protection, harvesting and threshing, drying, storage and transportation, straw handling, and other relative technical requirements.
2. Solution and affecting factors
a. Farm tractors, including two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive tractors; Wheeled and crawler tractors
Determine the tractor's driving type, power range (tractive power, lifting force, hydraulic output power), working speed (gear distribution and shifting form), wheelbase, ground clearance, quantity of hydraulic output and other information for selecting an appropriate tractor by soil type, crop system (wheat system and wheat-corn system), road condition and planting area. working content or matching implements for tractor; working efficiency engine emission, etc.
b. Soil analysis equipment
Affecting factors include planting size and the type of mineral fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.) in soils which needed to be measured.
c. Plough, including moldboard/salt board plough, disc plow, Hydraulic reversing plough.
Affecting factors: land characteristics, soil types and moisture content in soils, fertilizer types, tillage depth, straw length of wheat, operating period and area, working efficiency, the configuration, power and wheel track of matching tractor, etc.
d. Secondary tillage implement, including disc harrow, Spike-tooth harrow, Spring-tine harrow, offset harrow, tandem harrow, etc.
Affecting factors: soil type, soil moisture content, tillage depth, operating period and area, working efficiency, the configuration, power and wheel track of matching tractor, etc.
e. Rotary tiller, including horizontal rotary tiller and power harrow
Rotary tiller can replace the plow and harrow to reduce the process and save time and cost.
Affecting factors: soil type, moisture content in soil, tillage depth, straw length, operating period and area, working efficiency, the configuration, power and wheel track of matching tractor, etc.
f. Subsoiler (chisel type, wing type deep pine machine)
Factor: Soil type, depth of plow pan, distance between plough shares, operation period and area, working efficiency, the configuration, power and wheel track of matching tractor, etc.
Using the subsoiler every 2-3 years for breaking the hardpan or plow pan.
g. Drill seeder, including wheat drill seeder, wheat drill seeder with fertilizer applicator; mounted and trailed drill
Affecting factors: Wheat varieties (winter wheat, spring wheat), fertilization methods, tillage types (non- tillage, little tillage and traditional tillage), row spacing, spacing between plant, plant density, irrigation methods (flooding irrigation, drip irrigation or sprinkler irrigation), operating period and area, working efficiency , the configuration, power and wheel track of matching tractor, etc.
h. Equipment of irrigation and drainage (drip irrigation, flooding irrigation and sprinkler irrigation)
Factor: topography, source of water, distance and flow rate, groundwater height, plant area, and capacity, etc.
I. spraying machine, including boom sprayer, air-blast sprayer, self-propelled sprayer and mounted sprayer.
Factor: type of fertilizer, applicating method, spraying and drifting distance, drop size, operating period and area, working efficiency, the configuration, power and wheel track of matching tractor, etc.
j. Harvesting and threshing equipment, including reaper, windrower, threshers, combine harvesters and mounted harvesters
Wheat varieties, moisture content of grain, row spacing, method of harvesting, operation period and area, working efficiency, the configuration, power and wheel track of matching tractor, etc.
k. Drying equipment
Drying method (drying or drying), working efficiency or output
l. Straw returning machines and baling machines, including cutting and spreading equipment attached on combine harvester, square or round baler.
Factor: usage of straw (raw materials for organic fertilizer, biomass fuel, raw materials for paper, fodder or straw mattress for cows), shape of bale, bale size, operation period and area, working efficiency and the configuration, power and wheel track of matching tractor.